Wil Gieseler
👋 I love building things.
I'm a programmer, designer, filmmaker, and general tinkerer.
I want to make the world better for everyone using empathy, empriricism, and goofs.
I'm making a video game! It's extremely fun. More soon.

Pro apps for pro filmmakers.
Video Village makes apps that emulate film and diffusion, play movies, and help with color science.
I'm trying to write occasionally, so I've got a little blog type thing going.
Past Work
- Frenlo My first attempt at a startup, to fix social media. Learned a ton.
- Looker I was an early engineer at Looker, a powerful data analytics platform, now part of Google.
- Big Somewhere A simple little short film I wrote and directed in college.
- Coveralls I created Coveralls, the first hosted code coverage platform.
- Coolpoints Half game and half social experiment, I built an anti-social-network in high school and college.
Strange Projects
- YYNN Rate everything.
- EarthDAO A NFT scam to buy the entire Earth.
- Headline Smasher Upvote mashups of news headlines, and a tweet bot for the funniest. Broken now.