Wil Gieseler
👋 I love building things.
I'm a programmer, designer, filmmaker, and general tinkerer.
I want to make the world better for everyone using empathy, empriricism, and goofs.
I'm trying to write occasionally, so I've got a little blog type thing going.
Pro apps for pro filmmakers.
Video Village makes apps that emulate film and diffusion, play movies, and help with color science.
Past Work
- Frenlo My first attempt at a startup, to fix social media. Learned a ton.
- Looker I was an early engineer at Looker, a powerful data analytics platform, now part of Google.
- Big Somewhere A simple little short film I wrote and directed in college.
- Coveralls I created Coveralls, the first hosted code coverage platform.
- Coolpoints Half game and half social experiment, I built an anti-social-network in high school and college.
Strange Projects
- YYNN Rate everything.
- EarthDAO A NFT scam to buy the entire Earth.
- Headline Smasher Upvote mashups of news headlines, and a tweet bot for the funniest. Broken now.